A cross-generational conversation with Illinois Veterans

Rick Otey and other veterans greet elementary school children after class. Courtesy of Rick Otey
There are nearly 800,000 veterans currently living in Illinois, each with a unique story and experience during their service and as transition back into civilian life. Ahead of Veteran’s Day, we spoke with four of those Illinois veterans about why they served, what challenges they face, and misconceptions about veterans and their experiences.
Ray Doeksen
Iraq War Veteran and Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. (VFW)
Rick Otey
Vietnam War Veteran
Andrea Cowper
Served 30 years in the Air Force | Full-time student at the U of I, Chez Veterans Center
Sarah Balla
Served in the Marine Corps for four years
Vietnam Veteran Rick Otey organized a group of 17 veterans to go to Tremont Grade School to give out fist bumps. Most are Vietnam veterans. There are also a few Korean War veterans and one 96-year-old World War II veteran. #Veterans #CIProud https://t.co/t6xBzKbtLk
— Shabnam Danesh (@Shabnam_Danesh) November 5, 2021
Prepared for web by Owen Henderson
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