Best of: ‘Punks in Peoria’ explores city’s history with musical rebellion

Peoria is synonymous with the "mainstream." It’s a mid-size city, in the middle of the country, and was often a test market for American companies in the 20th century because it was thought to be the prototypical American town.
But the book Punks in Peoria: Making a Scene in the American Heartland explores another side of Peoria’s history that's less well known: It’s music culture from the mid-90s — brimming with anger at authority, celebrating a do-it-yourself ethos, and embracing the strange.
This conversation was originally broadcast in May 2022.
Jonathan Wright
Co-Author, Punks in Peoria: Making a Scene in the American Heartland
We're pleased to announce that PUNKS IN PEORIA by Jonathan Wright and Dawson Barrett has been awarded the Russell P. Strange Memorial Award from the Illinois State Historical Society! Congratulations @PunksinPeoria!
— Illinois Press (@IllinoisPress) April 13, 2022
Prepared for web by Owen Henderson