Concerns About Rented Farmland

Dana Cronin/Illinois Newsroom
Illinois has the highest rate of rented farmland in the country. This could have environmental and economic consequences for the next generation of prospective farmers. When farmers also don’t own the land they work, data shows they are less likely to adopt environmental conservation practices.
The 21st spoke to an agriculture reporter and a farmland owner about the issue and its implications.
Dana Cronin, Agriculture reporter Illinois Newsroom and Harvest Public Media
Lin Warfel, Farmland owner
Illinois has the highest rate of rented farmland in the country.
— Dana Cronin (@DanaHCronin) June 8, 2021
I spent the last month looking at @usda_nass data to figure out whether that's impacting farmers' decisions to implement conservation practices.
Here's what I found:
Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi
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