Four More Years: why getting rid of NPR or PBS will affect more than the news or ‘Sesame Street’

NPR headquarters in Washington (IPM News), CPB headquarters (LinkedIn), PBS headquarters (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)
Tough times may lie ahead for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.. and that's the topic for today's focus of Four More Years, the View of Trump's presidency from Illinois. Two members of Congress have already introduced bills to end CPB. Donald Trump tried and failed to defund public broadcasting in his first presidential term. Our guests explained how withdrawl of backing for CPB could hurt local stations and programming and America's emergency communications system as well as why financial resources are so few for Illinois' NPR and PBS stations.
Moss Bresnahan
Executive Director, Illinois Public Media - WILL-AM/FM/TV Champaign/Urbana
Jenna Dooley
News Director, WNIJ - DeKalb
Mike Janssen
Digital Editor, Current magazine
Fred Martino
Executive Director, WSIU-FM/TV Carbondale
The About CPB page has a video and some basic information:
The CPB Financial Information section on the website has detailed information on the federal appropriation, budget justifications, operating budget, business plan, and Funding by State:
The rural page describes CPB support for rural stations, which has updated information on CPB funding for rural stations: