Judicial Declaration of Independence

Capitol News Illinois
Members of several judicial and legal groups across Illinois submitted what they’re calling the 'Judicial Declaration of Independence.' The document says that Illinois courts can only function if they’re viewed as doing their jobs in an impartial way. It also criticizes threats against judges, which it says have been happening more frequently.
“Judges are called upon to make decisions on controversial and hotly contested matters. We make these decisions because we have been given a position of trust in our communities. The voters should be able to determine whether we retain that position of trust based upon whether our rulings are fair and well grounded in the law, not whether we adhere to anyone’s political ideology.”
Eileen O’Neill Burke
Appellate Justice in Illinois’ 1st District in Cook County | President of the Illinois Judges Association
Rory T. Weiler
President of the Illinois State Bar Association
Anna Demacopoulos
Cook County Circuit Court Judge, Chancery Division