Just Say Maybe

There's plenty of room for everyone!
Bandwagon's back and yer gonna be in trouble... not really.
Travis Tate, Bandwagon's resident NBA commentator (and cake-tester) joined us for another installment of "Better Tate Than Never", which isn't really about anything in particular, but always includes something about basketball. This time the four of us decided to wade into a discussion about reactions in the NBA about the election of Donald Trump vs the reactions in the NFL about the same. Is the NBA a league full of hippies? Is the NFL a league full of the opposite of hippies? Much speculation ensued. John, somehow, was the voice of reason.
Usually Travis jets out after he's done with us, but he decided to stick around to discuss a recent comment on a podcast by Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr regarding the use of marijuana as a painkiller (including his own use) vs the use of opioids. Here's a Reddit thread about it, if you want to brave the comments. Is pot a legit painkiller? What was it like for Brian when he had Vicodin after knee surgery? Listen and hear us pontificate.
It was Brian's turn! We may be giving away our age here, but what kid doesn't remember the Dallas/Washington pro football rivalry during the 60s, 70s and 80s? A few of us reminisce.
Brian talked about how the Baseball Hall of Fame balloting is going public - as in, how writers voted will be public.
John went over the potential logistical difficulty of the Chicago Cubs visiting the White House before outgoing Prez Barack Obama leaves office.
Lisa talked about her discovery of a sport called kabbadi....
... and Travis was,like, OMG, the Hang Up & Listen podcast people were totally talking about kabbadi on a recent podcast episode!
Until the next episode, which will be delivered to you on or near the Winter Solstice, follow us @bndwgnpdcst on Twitter to get the latest, tell us how much you love us, etc. <3