Ameren Illinois Rivers Project Clashes with FAA

The Illinois Rivers project is 345,000-volt transmission line that will use steel poles with a single shaft. (PRNewsFoto/Ameren)
Ameren Transmission Company’s 400-mile line is called the Illinois Rivers Project.
It would run from Maywood, Missouri to Sugar Creek, Indiana along a route already approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission.
But now, the FAA is getting involved.
Ameren Transmission Spokesperson Peggy Ladd says the FAA feels the route comes too close to a piece of its equipment in southern Adams County.
“Because of that device, our route that was approved by the ICC is not buildable. It would cause interference to that FAA device.”
Ladd says Ameren Transmission has come up with three alternate routes for the two mile stretch in question.
The alternate routes will soon be presented to the ICC for approval.
“The commission will review the evidence before making a decision about what is the best route,” said ICC Spokesperson Beth Bosch.
She says even though the overall route has been approved, any and all changes must receive commission approval.
The project also faces some legal challenges.
Bosch says eight appeals were filed. They are primarily objections to the route the ICC approved.
She says four have been dismissed while four are still working their way through the Fourth District Appellate Court in Springfield.
“I think the cases are being briefed right now and then we will wait for an appellate ruling sometime in the first half of this year,” said Bosch.
Bosch says the commission is confident it made the best decision it could given the information available.
Peggy Ladd with Ameren Transmission Company says construction should get underway on portions of the line as soon as the Adams County alternate route is addressed.