Ammons Will Not Seek 13th Congressional District Seat

State Representative Carol Ammons (D-Urbana) speaking earlier this year at a town hall meeting with State Senator Scott Bennett at the Carpenters' Local 243 Hall in Champaign. Brian Moline/Illinois Public Media
State Representative Carol Ammons has announced that she will not run for Congress.
The Urbana Democrat announced Monday night on Twitter that after two months of consideration she will not seek the Democratic nomination for the 13th Congressional District, currently held by Republican Rodney Davis.
Ammons says in listening sessions throughout the 13th District that voters told her she is “needed most in state government.”
She says she will still work to elect a new representative for the 13th District in 2018.
So far, four Democrats have announced that they will challenge Davis in 2018: Erik Jones of Edwardsville, David Gill of Bloomington, Springfield resident Betsy Londrigan, and Benjamin Webb of Normal.
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