Classical:BTS To Spotlight Six Central Illinois Classical Stories

Classical:BTS will go live late Tuesday afternoon. The web series looks at six lesser known stories of people involved in classical music in central Illinois. Illinois Public Media
Classical:BTS, or Behind the Scenes, is a six-part WILL video web series that you can watch starting Tuesday evening. It’s a look at some of the lesser seen and heard stories about classical music in central Illinois, and a follow-up to the award-winning 2015 web series Art:BTS.
Illinois Public Media’s Brian Moline spoke with WILL’s Director of Content Lisa Bralts, and Classical BTS producer/director Isaac Musgrave about the series, starting with why they chose this subject as the follow-up to Art:BTS.
"We have a pretty popular classical music service here at WILL on the FM side, and a very appreciative audience," Bralts said, "and I thought it would be kind of interesting as Art:BTS was happening to pull out certain types of stories from the arts."
Watch the trailer below.