Mariotti, Rotering, Former Gov. Quinn, Among Latest Democrats To Seek State AG Post

Former Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, at a 2006 Armed Forces Day event at Navy Pier in Chicago. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Quinn will seek the Democratic nomination for Illinois Attorney Genera. US Navy/Wikimedia Commons
Former Illinois Gov. Patrick Quinn is the third Democrat this week to surface as a candidate for state attorney general, just a day after attorney Renato Mariotti and Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering announced her candidacies.
The Chicago Sun-Times reports Quinn on Friday announced his intention to run, saying he wants to be "the lawyer for the people."
In an article by Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed, Quinn, who served as governor from 2009 to 2015, says he intends to present his case to be the Democratic nominee next week to the party's Cook County organization.
"We need a strong ticket to beat the policies of Trump and Rauner, and I'm hoping for the party's support, which they have given me in the past", the Sun-Times quoted the 68-year-old Quinn as saying.
The news of Quinn's plans to run for attorney general comes less than a day after attorney and former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti announced his own bid for the office.
Mariotti, who has developed a following on Twitter and as a legal commentator on cable TV, announced his candidacy Thursday night during an appearance on MSNBC, and also with an online video. In the video, he said he wants to join the ranks of Democratic attorneys general using their office to fight the Trump Administration.
"So, if you're angry, as I am, about a president who's disgracing our nation, please join our campaign for attorney general," said Mariotti in the video.
Just hours ahead of Mariotti, Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering officially announced her candidacy for attorney general.
Rotering says as mayor, she helped ban assault weapons in her Chicago suburb, and would work to get stricter state gun laws passed if elected attorney general.
"I had the courage to stand up to the NRA", said Rotering. "We went all the way to the Supreme Court and we prevailed."
The other Democratic candidates are State Rep. Scott Drury, State Sen. Kwame Raoul, attorney Aaron Goldstein, former State Board of Education Chairman Jesse Ruiz and Sharon Fairley, former head of Chicago's police oversight agency.
Urbana attorney and former Miss America Erika Harold is seeking the Republican nomination
The incumbent Attorney General, Democrat Lisa Madigan, announced last month she wouldn't seek re-election.