IDOT Says Highway Projects Will Shut Down June 30th Without Budget

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The Illinois Department of Transportation says it will begin shutting down all of its highway projects starting June 30th.
IDOT says the move is due to the state Democrats' - quote - "failure to pass a balanced budget."
Capitol Fax, a state politics blog operated by Rich Miller posted this statement from IDOT:
“We have started to inform our industry partners that all of our projects in both construction and engineering phases will be shutting down starting June 30 due to the majority party in the legislature’s failure to pass a balanced budget. The conversation about how individual projects will wind down is continuing.”
The Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association says it’s been told by IDOT that “no more destructive work will be allowed” starting June 22nd, in anticipation of a complete shutdown on June 30th.
The department calls a stopgap budget proposal (HB 6585/SB 3435) - put forth by Republican leaders including Governor Bruce Rauner - a "fiscally responsible solution."
It says if the proposal is passed soon, there will be no interruption to construction projects.
Illinois has been without a state budget for a year, due to a stalemate between Rauner and Democratic lawmakers.