Illinois Senator Mark Kirk Plans To Vote For Increased Sanctions On Iran

(AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)
As U.S. diplomats move toward a nuclear agreement with Iran, Republicans in Congress are doing what they can to stop the deal.
According to Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, the White House's preliminary agreement with Iran is too soft, comparing the initial agreement to placating Nazis after World War Two.
The agreement would lift economic sanctions on Iran if the country scales back its nuclear ambitions.
Kirk says he doesn't trust Iran to follow through, and has compared the initial agreement to placating the Nazis after World War Two.
"I would expect that if the Iranians get the bomb they will eventually transfer it to a terrorist surrogate of theirs and finding those bombs will be really difficult," said Kirk.
As on of the GOP's most outspoken members, Kirk says he'll keep pushing for economic sanctions on Iran, and will vote for the Republican-controlled Congress to have a say in the Iran deal; something President Obama has promised to veto.