Mitchell Says PolitiFact Backs Up His Comments On All Kids Funding For Undocumented Kids

St. Rep. Bill Mitchell (R-Forsyth) St. Rep. Bill Mitchell's Office
State Representative Bill Mitchell says the fact-checking website PolitiFact is backing up his claim of spending by the state’s All Kids program on healthcare for undocumented immigrants.
The Republican from Forsyth made the charge back in April, while arguing unsuccessfully against a three-year extension of funding for All Kids, which funds healthcare for poor families. The funding extension (HB 5736) eventually passed the General Assembly, and was signed by Governor Bruce Rauner.
Mitchell says at the time, many lawmakers questioned his claim that All Kids had spent $320 million --- or a majority of its funding --- on undocumented children over six years’ time.
But in comments released by the Illinois House Republican office, the lawmaker notes that an analysis released last week by PolitiFact says that audits of the All Kids program shows the spending claim is accurate.
“They came back with saying, Bill Mitchell’s telling the truth,” said Mitchell. “The state of Illinois for the last six years has spent $320 million for healthcare for illegal immigrants. That’s not just Bill Mitchell saying it. That’s an independent organization called Political-Fact. It’s been verified. Shame on the state of Illinois.”
The Illinois State Department of Healthcare and Family Services says the All Kids program is open to qualifying families, regardless of immigration status.
PolitiFact notes that provision has opened the program to criticism, along with charges that the program costs more and provides less coverage than first promised. Mitchell says he’s against any state funding going to people who are in the U-S Illegally, especially during a time of fiscal crisis.