Racial Justice Task Force Seeks To ‘Actually Do Things’

A video screenshot shows members of the public attending the Oct. 13, 2015 Champaign County Board Committee-of-the-Whole meeting in Urbana to talk about a proposal for a Racial Justice Task Force. Video Screenshot/Champaign County Clerk
The Champaign County Racial Justice Task Force has been meeting since February, with the goal of addressing racial disparities in the county’s criminal justice system. The Champaign County Board gave the 21-member panel 18 months to develop a list of actions and ways to implement them. Illinois Public Media's Brian Moline spoke with the group's facilitator, Samuel Byndom, about the progress the task force is making on those issues, and how he decided to get involved.
The Champaign County Racial Justice Task Force meets twice monthly through July 2017. The task force currently has one vacancy. You can find an application, the task force meeting schedule, and more at the Champaign County website.