U of I’s Green Launches Congressional ‘Insurgent’ Campaign

13th District Democratic Congressional Candidate David Green addresses backers at his campaign kickoff event in Champaign Sunday. (Jeff Bossert/WILL)
Citing desire to truly make the Democratic Party one representing working people, instead of corporate America, a third candidate has launched what he calls an ‘insurgent’ campaign for Illinois’ 13th Congressional District.
David Green of Champaign kicked off his campaign in front of about 12 supporters Sunday at the Chamaign Public Library.
Green said he backs living wage government employment for anyone needing a job, and ‘massive’ federal funding for areas like education, mass transit, and the U.S. Postal Service.
He said Democratic primary opponents Ann Callis and George Gollin direct their campaigns at the middle class, and don’t mention the policies of President Barack Obama - saying they’re running to ‘not offend’ the party.
“I feel like I have a right to offend the party leadership because they don’t own the party, the party’s the people," he said. "The party’s the people in the party. Just like the country is the people in the country."
Although he’s running as a Democrat, Green said he’s completely against Obama’s policies - admitting it was easier to get on the ballot as a Democrat than a member of the Green Party.
If he were in office now, Green said he’d vote against a strike in Syria because he ‘doesn’t support American violence overseas’ seeking a peaceful solution.
“I think the United States should join with the United Nations, and what’s referred to as international community, and make genuine efforts – which it has not made so far – to broker a peace deal in Syria," he said. "It’s analogous to what we don’t do between Israel and Palestine.”
Green called the Affordable Care Act a 'betrayal of the people who voted for Obama in 2008'. He said the measure was written by insurance companies, and basically turned out the be 'RomneyCare', referring to the 2012 Republican Presidential candidate.
Green said with the health care plan now being policy, it will be harder for employers to go to a single-payer plan that the country needs.
"I don't understand why business leaders haven't promoted a single-payer program," he said. "it would take the burden off them."
A policy specialist at the University of Illinois’ Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Green said he’s saving up his vacation time to campaign throughout the district leading up to next year’s primary.