Art Theater Closes—How Do Other Art Houses Survive?
Halloween -- Thursday October 31st -- is the last day of business for the Art Theater in downtown Champaign, which stopped showing movies last week.
Halloween -- Thursday October 31st -- is the last day of business for the Art Theater in downtown Champaign, which stopped showing movies last week.
The Found Footage Festival showcases the best and funniest discarded videos, found in thrift stores and dumpsters around the country. Illinois Public Media spoke with Nick Prueher, a comedian who co-founded the show with his childhood friend Joe Pickett, to learn more about the origins of the 'Found Footage Festival.'
Central Illinois filmmakers get a showcase this Sunday night, October 29, at the 8th annual New Art Film Festival, showing at the Art Theater in downtown Champaign.
After nearly a week without a working projector, downtown Champaign’s Art Theater Co-Op is ready to show movies again. Manager Austin McCann says the theater had to go dark a few days ago, when their hundred-thousand-dollar digital movie projector malfunctioned.
Champaign’s Art Theater Co-op is looking for other ways to entertain while its digital projection system is down. General Manager Austin McCann says troubleshooting could take a couple more days. He says a 'burst of creativity' includes plans for a Monday night airing of the 1938 Orson Welles radio broadcast of "The War of The Worlds", and a Tuesday night trivia event. Concessions are open, but the events themselves are free.