Gardening: Getting Ready for Spring
Are you anxious to get outside and into the garden? We welcome your calls and questions today on Focus!
Are you anxious to get outside and into the garden? We welcome your calls and questions today on Focus!
Do you grow vegetables in a garden or in pots around your home or apartment? If you do -why did you start? If you don’t, why not? This hour on Focus, Lisa Bralts talks with Jeanne Nolan, author of “From the Ground Up” about why she does and how she learned.
This hour on Focus, we’ll talk about caring for cut flowers with horticulture expert Sandy Mason. We welcome your calls and questions!
Today on Focus, host we’ll learn more about cooking with and growing herbs. Do you grow herbs in your garden in the spring and summer? We want to hear how you use them!
This hour on Focus, host Jim Meadows talked with horticulture expert Sandy Mason. We welcome your lawn and garden calls and questions today!