Great Lakes Basin Railroad Rejected; Application Information ‘Fundamentally Flawed’
A federal agency has rejected an application by Great Lakes Basin Transportation, Inc. to build a railroad through northern Illinois from Wisconsin to Indiana.
A federal agency has rejected an application by Great Lakes Basin Transportation, Inc. to build a railroad through northern Illinois from Wisconsin to Indiana.
One of the main arguments Great Lakes Basin Transportation Inc. has made in favor of its rail project is that it would act as an economic driver for the region. Company lawyer Mike Blaszak says construction would create a significant number of jobs.
What could the GLBR project mean for local economies? In the final installment of the Down the Line series, Guy Stephens talked with an enthusiastic Rochelle official and Chase Cavanaugh found more ambivalence from economic planners in Rockford about the potential value of the railroad.
How do affected landowners feel about the GLBR project? Susan Stephens talks with property owners who would be affected along the proposed route in part four of Down the Line.
In part three of this in-depth series, before a company like Great Lakes Basin can build a railroad, it needs land. And since much of that land is privately owned, the firm needs a way to buy it. How can a company like Great Lakes Basin Transportation convince people to sell their land when it's needed for their project?