SIU Seeks To Bring More Doctors To Southern Illinois
Southern Illinois University's medical school is trying to bring more doctors, physicians and medical students to Carbondale and nearby rural areas where they're desperately needed.
Southern Illinois University's medical school is trying to bring more doctors, physicians and medical students to Carbondale and nearby rural areas where they're desperately needed.
After years of declining enrollment, the latest numbers from Eastern Illinois University show that trend is reversing. Meanwhile, fall enrollment numbers for Southern Illinois University show continued decline, but more so at the Carbondale campus than in Edwardsville.
Trustees for Southern Illinois University will meet in special session Monday in Edwardsville to vote on a separation agreement for System President Randy Dunn.
SIU President Randy Dunn avoided suspension Thursday, as trustees were split four-to-four on whether to place him on administrative leave.
SIU President Randy Dunn says he's "all in" for the Carbondale campus - and maintains his job is to foster the strength of the university system.