Nature Center In Urbana Gets Solar Power
The Anita Purves Nature Center is the latest building in Champaign-Urbana to go solar. Solar panels are being installed this week on the nature center, located on the north end of Urbana’s Crystal Lake Park.
The Anita Purves Nature Center is the latest building in Champaign-Urbana to go solar. Solar panels are being installed this week on the nature center, located on the north end of Urbana’s Crystal Lake Park.
Parkland College is expanding its use of solar power. At their regular monthly meeting on Jaunary 17, the board of trustees approved a 25-year contract to install an eight-acre array of solar panels on the campus.
A children's hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is back online as Tesla uses solar panels and batteries to provide reliable electricity.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will be at the forefront of helping develop the next generation of energy.
Since December, Ameren Corporation has been operating a small, independent power grid on the south side of Champaign that uses solar panels, a wind turbine and two natural gas-powered generators to power more than 190 homes in the area.