Davis, Shimkus, Remain Opposed To Iran Nuclear Agreement

Robert Naiman of the the C-U Move On chapter presents a petition to Congressman Rodney Davis Friday at the Champaign Public Library. (Jeff Bossert/WILL)
Two Central Illinois Congressmen remain steadfast in their opposition to a US nuclear agreement with Iran. The Republicans’ comments came as a local chapter of a progressive advocacy group picketed their appearance in Champaign last week.
13th District Congressman Rodney Davis of Taylorville says he expects the U.S. House to vote the agreement down, and hopes those in the Senate ‘have the courage’ to override a presidential veto.
Davis said those who oppose the plan will be commended for it.
“I believe that giving the rulers of a country like Iran, who have shown disregard for human life, who have shown the ability to fund terrorist activity globally, I hope this (vote) is remembered," he said, referring to a 1994 failed non-proliferation treaty. "Because I think this will go down as one of the worst agreements similar to the Clinton legacy of North Korea.”
Davis and GOP 15th District Congressman John Shimkus of Collinsville were presented with petitions from the Champaign-Urbana chapter of Move On.Org, demanding a town hall meeting for the group to present its case supporting the Iran agreement.
But Shimkus contends the leaders of the country can’t be trusted.
“They’re a state sponsor of terrorism," he said. "They’re going to get more money to do that. You know, if you can’t get a country to release prisoners that are held by them or the US – and you can’t get them to say - no longer chant ‘death to America’ – how do you negotiate them?”
In their petition, presented by Robert Naiman of Urbana, Move On contends, "Republicans like Rodney Davis and John Shimkus are bowing to pressure from pro-war special interest groups committed to undermining diplomacy."
Davis and Shimkus were attending an unrelated event, addressing senior citizens Friday at the Champaign Public Library.
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